While most of us know to stay away from some negative attributes of an unsuccessful blog, there are also many tools at your disposal to boost your content, overall traffic, and shares leading back to your site.
In this post, I’m going to reveal the untapped ways that will help you to enhance content of your blog.
Enhance Content Using 6 Untapped Tips:
Go Mobile!
The first “technique” worth noting is to make sure your blog is mobile friendly. This doesn’t just mean for laptops and phones, but for tablets as well. With the newest Google algorithm update, your blog may be getting docked on the search engine results page if it isn’t already mobile friendly.
Before one can get started with improving content to increase viewers – one has to make sure that readers can view all content at their leisure, or they won’t read it period. Things move too quickly to want to save an article for later.
What Type of Blogger…?
One idea to further engage readers in a new way is through quizzes.
Many sites have been utilizing this tool not only as a way to draw readers in, but also to share content out to other viewers and market yourself in a fun way. Make sure that if you plan on creating one of these that you take the time to make sure that it works flawlessly, has fun and interesting colors and pictures, and is a good length.
There are plenty of tools on the web to help you create a quick quiz that is topical and enticing for guests. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to finish the quiz and the questions should all be related to the exact topic viewers stopped in for.
Google Yourself!
Keep yourself up to date on what is going on in your community. It’s a fantastic idea to continuously check other blogs and current events related to the information being presented in your blog.
This will give you an endless supply of exciting topics to blog about as well as keep your blog ahead of the social media curve.
Utilize all forms of social media in order to see what people are already discussing. If you can provide an answer for questions your viewers are already asking for then you won’t have to try and bait them into reading your articles.
Read more: 5 Best Blogging Communities to Drive Massive Traffic
Sometimes even, the most intelligent topic needs a little help breaking up all of your wording. Checking out a 5 page article can definitely be intimidating to a reader. Create your own simple pictures or graphics in order to keep your viewer involved.
Whether that means placing one in between some paragraphs to give the guest a chance to rest their eyes or making a bigger infographic to illustrate your point is completely up to you. Both are eye-catching and exciting for someone just stopping by to see what your blog has to offer.
Raise Your Voice!
Blogs have the power to appear however they would like to the world. Keep in mind how your writing sounds to the guest. There is great skill in balancing information with informality.
Some of the most successful blogs seem to be very conversational with their viewers. It helps the reader to relax and gives the feeling that they are talking with a close friend if the content is relatable and easy to understand. Don’t write anything that you wouldn’t read yourself.
If you use this tactic your blog will have a more genuine tone and will encourage viewers to engage in your blog community.
Go Viral!
At the end of the day, it is important to not only to make sure that you are doing a good job of communicating your ideas in a consistent voice.
You have to make sure that you are being heard! That is why it is important to make sure that your social media accounts are all linked to your blog, and you make sure to publicize any new content you create across all platforms.
There are many different ways to manage your accounts (I recommend my clients to use sendible.
This tool is very easy to use and your content is just one click away to share on all your social platforms), but just make sure that you are true to yourself and your audience. Hopefully, someone will pick up your content and share it with other people who are in your niche.
If you’re really lucky, it will go viral and then all you have to do is foster the flame!
How helpful this post was for you? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and the ways you are using to enhance your content with us below in the comment area section.