With dozens of different components to consider, a whole science of psychology lurking beneath the surface, and the vague idea of “what the customer wants”, building the perfect landing page is no child’s play.
As such, there are no manuals or standards for creating a landing page. Building the best landing page is an ongoing process. What was the best page yesterday, may struggle to generate even a single conversion today.
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The question remains and I have tried to answer it in the most systematic way possible. By the end of this blog, you should be confident enough to build a converting landing page by yourself.
The essential elements to build a highest converting landing pages:
The list of things one should consider when designing the most efficient landing page in the world is endless. Constrained by space, I have restricted the list to essentials, rules, and a brief checklist.
Essential 1: The headline & Sub Headline
This is where the thrill begins. There are two types of headline: the dull, boring, and annoying; and the interesting, attractive, and understanding. Obviously, everybody wants his or her headlines to be the latter. The ground reality is a bit different though. Marketers preoccupied with preparing attractive content often forget to give enough attention to the headline. Very unaware, they often forget that without a good headline the content is worthless.
Make your headlines small, catchy, and simple. Trying to act over-smart can annoy your users to never return.
In addition, sub headlines along with headline should create a common impression that tempts users to read the rest of the content. A sub headline and headline going in different directions will confuse users, hampering conversion chances.
Element 2: Graphics
Psychiatrists believe that a human mind can process an image 60 thousand times faster than a similar piece of text. A well-illustrated image is worth more than thousand words.
Whenever possible, put a relevant image on your landing page. Every piece of text should be accompanied by an appropriate set of graphics. This advice is particularly relevant if you’re a product-based company.
Element 3: The explanation
Whether you sell services, products or yourself, make sure, you’re clear with your motives. The description about your product should well detailed, in easy language. The graphics, videos, text everything should be well placed. Additionally, together these elements should give a broader message about your business.
Any inconsistencies in the explanation and you have just lost one of your prospective customers. Be extra careful, there are seldom second chances in online businesses.
The rules for creating up a high converting landing page:
Rule 1: An ad should never land on your home page
Unless your homepage depicts Google, never redirect an ad to the homepage. Because of the large chunk of information already on homepages, a user might get lost. A lost user seldom generates conversions.
Direct the ad’s click to the “contact us” page or a similar page that promotes conversion. If possible, try to create a separate landing page for every campaign you’re running. This way, the viewers don’t get alienated upon landing on your website.
Rule 2: Simplicity and relevancy
It’s just a matter of seconds before a viewer flags a landing page as useless or useful. If the case is former, your site is definitely complicated or has potential usability problems. A site useless to a viewer normally gets abandoned in a matter of seconds.
Make your landing page alluring enough for the visitors to visit and complete the desired action for conversion, whether a subscription or a contact us form.
Rule 3: The length
The common saying about the length of a landing page goes like this: if you’re asking for money or your product portfolio is complex (like an automation product) make your page long and detailed—enough to convince a user to shell out his or her money; if whatever you’re offering is free, keep the landing page short and to the point.
Rule 4: Whenever in doubt
Google the keywords you’re targeting and click on resulting ads to discover different landing pages. Go through a few of them and learn the best way you could.
The rest goes along, you have to keep learning. Don’t expect of running the best landing page on your first go. But once you’re there, the possibilities are endless.